111-Tips Hips Waist Thighs Workout

Six moves that rationalize your hips, waist, and thighs, plus superfast cardio fat-blasters and the best way to diminish a bottom-heavy body.

“The key is to ponder as much on the back of your body which exercisers often ignore as the front,” says Pasternak, author of 5-Factor Fitness (Putman, 2004). That resources target the rear shoulders, upper back, hamstrings, glutes, and obliques, as well as the trunk, quads, and abs.

You’ll need light, medium, and heavy dumbbells (ranging from 5 to 15 pounds) and a bench. Do the moves three days a week, plus three to five bouts of short but powerful cardio, and you’ll be flaunting a firmer figure in six weeks!

1. Standing Oblique Flexion

Targets: Obliques, Abs

Stand with knee slightly bent, feet shoulder-width apart, holding medium or heavy dumbbells in each hand with weights at sides, elbows somewhat bent, palms in and abs tight.
Slowly slide dumbbell down outside of exact thigh as far as you can, meandering torso to right while maintenance hips square.
Hold for 2 seconds, then slowly draw heaviness back up thigh to start.
Repeat all reps to right; switch sides.
2. Bench Step-Up

Targets: Thighs, Hips, Glutes, Shoulders

Hold a light- or medium-weight dumbbell in each hand standing next to the worktable sideways.
Step up with precise foot onto the middle of the bench; hold for 3 counts with left leg lifted to side.
Step down with left foot and tap downstairs with the right.
straight away step back up to the bench with right foot.
Do all reps on this leg, rest for 30 seconds, then control sides.
3. Reverse Incline Row to Rear Fly

Targets: Rear Shoulders, Upper Back

Part A

Straddle a bench disposed to 45 degrees, pressing chest into top of bench, knees slightly bent.
Hold light or medium dumbbells in each hand, elbows to some extent bent with palms in.
Bend elbows and pull weights toward body, observance arms close to sides.
Lower and repeat.
Part B

From opening position, slowly lift weights out to sides to chest level, keeping elbows slightly bent.
Lower and repeat.
Do 1 set of rows follow by one set of flyes; rest and repeat.
4. Cross-Twist on Bench

Targets: Obliques, Abs, Lower Back

Sit on a flat bench with knee bent and feet flat on the floor or on the seat of the bench.
Lean back slightly, appealing your abdominals.
knock right fist across outside of left thigh, caricature upper body to the left.
Hold for 3 counts.
Repeat, punch left fist to outside of right thigh.
Continue, alternating punching to each side; keep your higher body lifted and your abdominals engaged all the way through the exercise.
5. Bench Wide-Grip Push-Up

Targets: Shoulders, Chest, Back, Arms, Abs

Stand facing a flat worktable (push bench against a wall for support, if necessary).
Come into a full push-up position with palms positioned just wider than shoulder-distance apart on the bench, abs tight.
Bend elbows 90 degrees, lowering chest in the direction of bench.
Hold for 2 counts, then push back to start and repeat.
For an added challenge, exchange lifting one leg for each set (not shown).
6. Bent-Knee Deadlift

Targets: Hamstrings, Glutes, Lower Back, Hips

Stand with feet shoulder-distance apart, holding medium-weight dumbbells in each hand, arms at sides with palms in.
observance head up, shoulders back, abs tight and knees slightly bent, hinge forward from the hips to slide your butt back.
As you bend forward, slide weights losing the legs, gazing slightly ahead of you.
Keeping body weight over heels, slowly return to initial position; repeat.
20-Minute Calorie Busters

No time for a long workout? Keep the intensity high and you can still burn significant calories in a moderately short period. “After warming up, you be supposed to be breathing fairly hard for most of the workout,” says Harley Pasternak. If you were to speak, you’d talk mostly in phrases, not full sentence. Below, a few ways to blast upwards of 200 calories in 20 minutes.

The Right Plan for Your Fitness Level

Q&A: “I’m heavier on underneath and narrower on top. What workout will help me look more balanced?”

In addition to the workout here, focus on shaping your shoulders and upper back with strength moves like the lat pulldown, front and lateral shoulder raises and dumbbell rows, says celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak. Also try doing waist-cinching ab moves, such as trunk twists and “U” crunches, as well as 20 to 30 minutes of cardio three to five times a week to burn excess fat.

The Right Plan for Your Fitness Level

Whether you’re new to put into effect or a seasoned pro, follow the strategy to take full advantage of results.


Weeks 1-3
Strength: 2 sets of 15 reps per put into effect
Cardio: Three 20-minute session per week

Weeks 4-6
Strength: 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps per do exercises
Cardio: Four 20-minute sessions


Weeks 1-3
Strength: 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps per exercise
Cardio: Four 20-minute session per week

Weeks 4-6
Strength: 4 sets of 15 to 20 reps per do exercises

Cardio: Five 20-minute sessions

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