The One Exercise That Will Flatten Your Stomach

Moms everywhere know the move violently of post-baby bulge, or that extra bit of flab that leaves their bellies wiggly and jiggly. It seems like all of the crunches in the world can’t squash their stomachs again.

Still, few know the scientific term behind this ordinary complaint. Also called diastasis recti, it occurs during pregnancy as the growing baby pushes the mother’s abdominal muscles apart in the space around her belly push button. The lucky moms will watch this mark make longer back on its own, but in others, the gap often stays open after birth. As a result, organs and tissue bulge out of your middle, causing the 'mummy tummy.'

Simply realigning those abdominal muscles will cause the abdomen to flatten again, experts say. These flat-belly exercises are certainly worth a shot. But to get results fast, there’s one simple, 10-minute exercise for a slimmer waistline and you won’t even need to leave your house to do it. You can also try these science-backed food for a flatter stomach.

First, sit cross-legged on the floor with your hands on your belly and take a deep mouthful of air, letting your stomach fully expand. Then, as you breathe out, suck in your belly muscles as far back as you can toward the ground.

With your stomach compressed against your spine, start taking deep breaths and push your stomach back further and further with each exhale. Do so for 10 action.

Done Until tomorrow, at least. And so far, the work out has shown incredible results. A small pilot study conducted by developers Leah Keller, a personal trainer, and Dr. Geeta Sharma, an OB-GYN at Weill Cornell Medical Center-New York Presbyterian Hospital, tracked the progress of 63 women with “jelly belly.” After 12 weeks of doing the exercise for 10 minutes per day, all of the women had fixed their diastasis recti. Some even lost a not many inches to their waistlines, too.

“We had patients that be even one year out from giving birth, and they still had such great benefit from the exercises,” Sharma says. “We love to see that there is amazing we can do to help women.”

Although this work out hasn’t been tested on men or women who haven’t been expectant, something tells us that it’s absolutely worth a shot.

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1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on food good for your stomach


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