497-Minutes Plank Challenge!

If you still think what kind of abs workout agenda to start to practice, but actually you don’t want to do any ab crunch or abdominal thrust exercise, here’s a simple way to boost the endurance of the core muscles that will be the basis for more compound abdominal exercises.
The best way to make an appropriate introduction or base for some easier said than done exercise is to strengthen the whole core to avoid any damage.

Plank (abdominal bridge) is one of the best exercises that strengthens the deep core muscles. With this exercise, you do not execute the movement, but hold a certain location of the body, even though there are some modifications which mixed up movement.

Basically, it is a static exercise that activates muscles of the arms, chest, back, and buttocks, which is the basis for better strength of the whole musculature of the core. Plank exercise does not require equipment.
The dosage can vary, but the most favorable is to do 3-6 series. Each series should last from 20 to 60 seconds, for beginners. As you will progress and adapt, you can to increase the numeral of series or time.When you feel ready, you can try this 7 minutes plank challenge!

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