Tips of Pranayama

Pranayama is a form of involuntary, continuous action of inhaling, retention, and exhale that can be controlled rapidly or slowly.  The name Pranayama is Sanskrit for “extension of breath or life force”.  It is used in yoga to help clear and cleanse the body and the mind.  By controlling your breathing, your whole system becomes controlled.  This form of mouthful of air is helpful as a first step in preparing for the meditation process.

There is great truth following the saying, just take a deep breath; it calms us.  Oxygen is one of the most vital nutrients for our bodies.  Adding Pranayama breathing techniques to your daily life can bring about many positive and healthy change.

Some Benefits of Pranayama include:

*Cleansing and purification of the respiratory system
*Aids in detoxification of the blood stream and organs
*Tones the nervous system and slows the electrical impulses and their response in the brain
*Assists in digestion
*Positively affects the immune system
*Strengthen and purifies the mind, enhances perception
*Increases alertness of the mind
*Beneficial in treating stress disorders
*Relieves asthma symptom

Although there are several forms of Pranayama, at this time are the basic steps of performing the exercise:

1.  Sit comfortably, with your backside tall and shoulders relaxed.  Let go of any tension.
2.  Take in a deep breath in through your nose very slowly.
3.   As you intake air, pull your belly at home while heaving out your chest. Keep your abdominal muscles tight.
4.  Hold the breath and count five.
5.  Then gradually exhale all the way through the mouth and relax your abdominal muscles.

6.  Wait for two seconds and then replicate.

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